Today is my first day and I will tell you I am excited.
So Today we are going to Start with some simple stuff.
So to code on a Ti-84+ Calc you have to have a TI-84+ calc kk.
1. So to Start Programming turn on your calculator.
2. Press the PRGM button right beside the blue APPS button.
3.Press the Right Arrow key twice.
4.Press 1 or Enter
5.Create a Name using the Alpha Key and the green letters between the numbers as a guide.
6.Now to Start Programming.
7. I would start with variables but we will do that later so lets talk about displaying Text and objects
8. So I would start with a Label. So Press the PRGM button and then press nine and then name is G
9. on the next line press PRGM right arrow then 8
10.On the next line we will Display a word so
11.Press PRGM, Press the right arrow key once and then press 3
12 It should say Disp now. So Press 2nd Alpha and then press +
13. Write a Word.
14. Press + again
15.On the next line press PRGM then 8
16.On the next line and press PRGM and then Press 0
17. Name it G
18.Press 2nd then Mode.
19.Press PRGM and then goto your PRGM and press enter again.
20. it should display your word
Your code should look like this
:Lbl G
:Disp "Some Word"
:Goto G
Now to explain to you how this works
When you put in a
label its a lot more organized and stuff kk.
ClearHome is so that is clears the screen to nothing before displaying your word
Disp means display and then it needs ""
Pause pauses the screen so that your word does not just keep redrawing really fast so you cant see it.
You don't really need the goto in this code but later on you will kk.
tomorrow will be displaying objects and then the basics of if statement.
Seth Jensen
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